Category: FAQ

Book Driver FAQ


(google map)We buy books. All non-fiction subjects. We don’t buy biographies, fiction, novels, children’s books, Romance or Mystery. Non-fiction subjects of interest include, + New and remaindered overstock+ history+ philosophy+religion+ textbooks+ how-to books+ hobby books+ nature and science What we…

What kind of books do we not take?

This is a common question and a good question. Our first priority is to make a book donation pickup convenient. That said, there are certain types of books and media we don’t take. Further below is a more detailed description.…

How do I maximize my textbook value?

In working with online buy back stores, you can expect a 20% higher return than your local college bookstore. The sales rank on Amazon is a key factor used to “determine textbook value”.  300K or less and your book will…