This week was tough with a bunch of snow keeping us under $400 one week. The partners in the business, who were going to run it, were wavering. Or maybe I was the one wavering. I don’t know and I was too…
Author: Matthew Johnson
Ten Ways to Save Book Stores – The Book Driver Manifesto
Bookstores can be saved and thrive but it’s going to take a radical new approach. Here are ten ways Book Driver is doing it. Develop an online revenue stream – You actually don’t have to build your own e-commerce website. There…
Day 168 Of Owning a Book Store
Woo-hoo investors! Yes, people do like the growth prospects of used book stores. And employees want to work in them. Our Amazon partner team is also popular with a different but no less welcome demographic of book scouts and internet…
Day 150 of Owning the Book Store
Being surrounded by books makes you want to write. And of course, to write is to want to create beauty. Or see the beauty that’s missing in the world, and wrestle, in vain, to express that essence. I would not have…
Smashing Review of Book Driver’s Service from Englewood, CO
“I am so beyond grateful for Book Driver!! My mother died recently – she had thousands and thousands of books among many other treasures that I needed to find new homes for in a short period of time. Her books…
What do first year students need to know about textbooks?
I was always thankful, perhaps more in hindsight than as a college student, that my parents were able to share a lot of tips big and small, about how to survive and thrive in college. Since they were college graduates…
3 Ways Bookstores Benefit Offering Cash Book Buybacks
Probably the most powerful insight we’ve gained in how to thrive as a bookstore, is the importance of offering cash book buybacks. Book Driver’s worked with local bookstores for the past year and through those partnerships, we’ve been able to test…
A way forward for the academic bookstore
BNED continues to struggle as it misses with non-traditional students at the community college level. Follett is their main bookstore competitor ith Amazon slowly building some management of stores themselves There’s no reason to be swinging and missing on sales…
How do I maximize my textbook value?
In working with online buy back stores, you can expect a 20% higher return than your local college bookstore. The sales rank on Amazon is a key factor used to “determine textbook value”. 300K or less and your book will…
Places online doing textbook buybacks
We love sharing info on how to maximize selling your textbooks for the top price. There is always going to be a “transaction cost,” as an economist might say, to selling something DIY. Besides your time, you will also need…